One thing you notice about mentally strong folks is they carry a booklet of sayings, phrases, and facts with them as a way to make sense of life. Mantras inscribed in their mind as cheat codes to take them to the next level.
Aubrey Marcus, “Go hero Go!”
Tai Lopez, “The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.”
Tom Bilyeu, “Don’t ask what is the least I can do, ask what is the most I can endure.”
Seth Godin, “Always be shipping.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Break the rules.”
Elliott Hulse, “I don’t finish when I am tired, I finish when I am done.”
Dave Goggins, “When your mind is telling you you’re done, you’re really only 40% done.
Justin Timberlake, “And we’re all going to hell, and we are all going to have the best stories to tell.”
Carlos Castaneda, “The warrior sees only challenges, the normal person sees either a blessing or a curse.
Greg Plitt, “Normality is what weak people call living. I call it death.”