Tai Lopez changed the direction of my life. He got me hooked on books, meditation and education all with his “Here in my garage” ad.
I was a sophomore in college. I was dumb, scared, lonely and I needed answers. Tai Lopez provided me with a strategy that I could use to live my life.
I bought his program The 67 Steps and it helped break down how I saw the world, provided me with the mindset on which the top performers run (MJ, Picasso, Steve Jobs) and showed me the habits to adopt that all happy people do every day (take care of their mind, body, and relationships.)
I would wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym, come back to my dorm and eat, meditate for 30 minutes and then watch a lesson from his 67 steps.
I was motivated to change and these lessons pumped me up. Every lesson would shock me with some statistic like most people live lives of quiet desperation, or that regret comes from “not” doing the things we want instead of doing it and failing.

Every lesson I felt as if my brain was changing, like the sound of ice cracking from being exposed to heat.
I look at my college days and I see an explosion of growth. I look back at that time with this tearful gratefulness. Because I see this lost soul but help learns to swim towards something even though he is still covered in darkness.
The 67 Steps helped me lose this childish naiveness of being dependent and helpless and provided me an education to fend for myself.
Tai Lopez taught me that happiness is growing and learning every day. If we stop we become irrelevant.
Better to live on the lessons of others that came before us, than learn these lessons the hard way.