I saw this good-looking couple recycling cans early in the morning on my way to the gym. The surprising thing was that they were having fun, especially the girl. Where others would feel embarrassed about picking up cans and selling them, they had a joy doing it. They had smiles, the guy was composed, never
A leader like the girl’s boyfriend controls the energy around him. RSD Tyler says most people walk around in a durp state, with a blank expression on their face. They show a lack of purpose, drive, and hunger. They are victims of their own negative energy and the energy of others. This is all due to a lack of awareness over the energy they give off.
A leader steers the ship. A good leader creates optimism as his crew heads into a storm. He sets the tone for how other people feel and see the situation. A leader knows that if he shows fear or only focuses on the negative, the people around him will feel the same. But if he is courageous, happy, and smiling other people will have no choice but to overlook the negative and have a good time no matter the situation.
One thing a leader does is not let other people tell him how he should feel. People with low vibration energy will tell him that he works too hard or he should be tired. A leader even ignores what he feels. If it is not positive he will ignore the feelings of stress, fear, and tiredness and will seek to be positive instead. A leader does not give in to pessimism because he doesn’t believe in limits and it is the job of a leader to untap the unlimited potential in others and himself.