Stitched-Up-Warrior: Broken Heart

The Stitched-Up Warrior does not protect his heart. 

“If it is weak let it break,” he tells himself.

A warrior is not heartless. He has a heart full of passions, love and aspirations. 

“If you are hurting it is because there is something you need to learn.  If you hurt it is because you are not yet the strong man you wish to become. Pick up the cracks and change.” 

To break the heart is the beginning of becoming free.  Your heart hurts because you have tried to trap things within it that are not yours to keep.

“You must become a wave. Let things come and go with no attachment to fear.”

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Stitched-up-Warrior: Fire Inside

The fire inside a Stitched-Up Warrior is a fire that burns with an ever excitement and joy. An aggressive fire that spreads and takes on the world.

The warrior is astonished when he feels his fire burning out.

He feels angry at himself, “Why do I feel so fragile when recently I was so full of passion? “Is there something wrong with me, am I really this weak, this lazy?” the warrior asks himself.

The Raven laughs at the warrior, “All fires must die out.” “From the ashes comes a new birth.”

Lay down your sword, your strength, your arrogance.  Be still, present. Transformations are begun by a humbling spark.

The Stitched-Up Warrior feels a warmth inside.  He trusts that the darkness will subside. He will rest now.  His aggression and discipline will soon return.

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Stitched-up-Warrior: Stitches

The Stitched-Up Warrior is proud when he catches glimpses of his scars.

They have made him stronger, fiercer, cunning. What tried to stop him failed and was overcome by his strength.

At some point in the past these scars frightened him, he wished he never came to receive them. But the warrior knows that without such scars one has not been tested, not been pushed, not tasted blood.  

A warrior without scars is mentally weaker, softer, tamer.  He has not had the pleasure of coming face to face with great obstacles and overcoming them.  

The Stitched-Up Warrior smiles at his scars, he knows that more are to come and waits with appreciation.

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Stitched-up-Warrior: Leader

The Stitched-Up Warrior is a Leader.

His energy radiates warmth, his body protection, his howl wisdom.

The warrior is surprised when he is blamed for letting the team down, or angry when he has been given more responsibility to be put upon his shoulders.

“Why do people look at me and expect me to command? I didn’t ask for it.” The warrior has wondered why he has always been pressured to lead; always burdened to look over others.

“Am I unaware of the presence I hold around others?” He asks himself.

Do people look at me and see fortitude, where I see a victim.   

Do people look at me and see strength, where I see weakness.

Do people look at me and see trust, where I see fear.

A power radiates from the warrior that he has been afraid to understand.  When he is finally ready to take responsibility good things start to happen.  He is no longer being a passive bystander, instead he has an end in mind and pushes forward aggressively.

A Stitched-Up Warrior steps up to guide his team.  To have the character to bounce back from failure, to have aggression when intruded, to lift up others when he used to expect others to lift him up.

The warrior may not notice it at first but they are waiting for him to step up and take command.  And he does.

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Stitched-Up-Warrior: Suffering

Every Stitched-Up Warrior is created, not born. Forged from pain, loneliness, courage, and passion, and molded into a single being whose journey is to hunt down what it desires.

This journey begins with a simple question;

“How can I be Happy?” the warrior asks,

“When you are Strong?” the Goddess replies.

To live is to suffer and those who learn to endure the pain prosper.  Let pain become a sign for celebration, for growth and for change. “Pick up your heavy sword, those with the toughest battles become the strongest.”

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Stitched-up-Warrior: Sword Of Light

The Stitched-Up Warrior has seen an abundance of men lose women, wealth and faith in themselves.

“Things come and go,” the warrior tells himself, “But I am still here. I have my sword. I will make the most of what I have.”

The warrior has with him a Sword of Light called Gratitude.

With Gratitude close to his side, nothing can be taken away from him. It cuts through the darkness. Gives the warrior sight of what he has power over, and what is up to the gods.

Many a day would he have been swallowed up by demons had it not been for Gratitude. He sharpens it daily, for without the daily habit it will become a useless tool.

Inscribed on the blade is written: “GOOD.”

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Stitched-Up-Warrior: Untamed

The Stitched-Up-Warrior hears jokes about lions and tigers being caged for amusement, but he has seen worse.

He knows that all dogs were once wolves, that in being tamed comes a change in mind and appearance. True danger lies not in being locked up, but in forgetting we are a prisoner.

But the warrior is awake, others take notice of his eyes; open, observant, unflinching. Eyes that can kill. The warrior has felt the freedom in pursuing his dreams, the fulfillment in achieving, and the growth in failing and being alone. “Comfort and safety make one weak” the warrior smirks. “Why give in to becoming small.”

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