I Need Help Being Happy
I’m the type of guy that needs a cheerleader so I can play at my best, or at least the guitar guy from Mad Max to pump me up. I need to be constantly programming myself on a daily basis to be productive and to have a positive, happy attitude. I easily get distracted and easily fall into pessimistic, lazy behavior which is why I have to surround myself with books, quotes, videos that remind me that my time is finite, that if I don’t step my game up in no time will I be forty and fat.
I put the same quote on all my red moleskin journals, “Be Happy and Grateful today because you will be wishing for it tomorrow.”
I have that quote because I have fallen in times where I go into the mentality that my life sucks. Days where I have low energy and I tell myself you deserve to take the day off which can turn into two weeks that can go as long as 6 months.
Somebody joked that we spend our 20’s depressed and then become depressed at 30 because we wasted our 20’s depressed. I don’t want to look back and see that I was a lazy pussy feeling sorry for myself.
Most people see life as a waiting game until they hit the jackpot. When I get that new job, new car, a girlfriend I’ll be happy.
We think particular moments will define us, but those moments will never come. The future is already here, the moment that will define is right now. Someone said that you have to believe that the next great moment will happen in the next 5 minutes. If you make it a habit to see every minute with importance, and not just another hour that needs to pass by until you go to sleep then you preparing yourself to be happy, strong and productive. How you do something is how you do everything.
Most people who wait will miss the chances they get because they can’t go from a state of weakness to strength without doing it day in and day out. Treat every day with importance. If you can’t practice happiness and strength right now, chances are you won’t cultivate those habits for the future when the moment arises.