The Stitched-Up Warrior is a Leader.
His energy radiates warmth, his body protection, his howl wisdom.
The warrior is surprised when he is blamed for letting the team down, or angry when he has been given more responsibility to be put upon his shoulders.
“Why do people look at me and expect me to command? I didn’t ask for it.” The warrior has wondered why he has always been pressured to lead; always burdened to look over others.
“Am I unaware of the presence I hold around others?” He asks himself.
Do people look at me and see fortitude, where I see a victim.
Do people look at me and see strength, where I see weakness.
Do people look at me and see trust, where I see fear.
A power radiates from the warrior that he has been afraid to understand. When he is finally ready to take responsibility good things start to happen. He is no longer being a passive bystander, instead he has an end in mind and pushes forward aggressively.
A Stitched-Up Warrior steps up to guide his team. To have the character to bounce back from failure, to have aggression when intruded, to lift up others when he used to expect others to lift him up.
The warrior may not notice it at first but they are waiting for him to step up and take command. And he does.